Exploring Health and Social Pathways at NHS Careers Event

Exploring Health and Social Pathways at NHS Careers Event

ÿÈÕ̽»¨’s Careers Department took a group of Upper Fourths (Year 8s) and Lower Fifths (Year 9s) to an NHS careers event at Maidstone Hospital.

More than 100 students from local schools also attended, making it a highly engaging and educational experience for all involved.

The morning was divided into three rotations, starting with a bustling careers fair that showcased the vast range of opportunities within the NHS. Many of the stands featured interactive displays, allowing our students to get hands-on experience.

Students learned how to create a radiography mask, explored a mannequin body to identify various organs, practised plastering fractured joints and even handled tools used in operating theatres.

Next, the students moved on to three immersive simulation rooms, where they practised taking pulses, used stethoscopes and learned about resuscitation and radiography, all on robotic models.

The final session was a personality quiz designed to match students with healthcare careers best suited to their individual traits and interests.

We are incredibly grateful to the dedicated team at Maidstone Hospital.